Christianity Today: Fall by Christ to Live Life Right

The challenges faced by the Christians of today are many more than what they faced during the last Century. Christianity was very much prevalent in the United States in the last century and it was evident in the way that God was still the cornerstone of the government and the judicial establishment. In schools, prayers were offered at the beginning of a day and most people attended church religiously every Sunday. But later, through the years Christianity has seen a decline of faith and seems to be still falling.

Christianity began to decline from the publicly eye and God was being pushed out of people's lives long before that. God began to be marketed for money and there are still many who continue to do just that, without the fear of consequences and Hell’s wrath. It is a known fact that no man can run for long without God and it is imperative to understand that although we, as human beings, have free will to choose. We should come into the realization that we are free to do whatever we want to with our own lives; yet, God is still the power who is in control of all things.

Both the Old and New Testaments are full of prophecies that the world will face a paramount of destruction and upheaval in the last days before the final judgment. The Bible foretells certain events that precede the end of the world, and we have been witnesses to the beginning of these events over the past few decades. It is time that we as individuals started thinking about the future and reclaim our lives from the path of destruction and hell. It is high time that you turned back to God and start taking control of your life.

The first thing to do would be to start giving away all that is sinful and creating in you a vacuum for Him to fill and reside. Start up by clearing up all that is sinful in you cupboard, computer and mind. First of all take time to learn how Jesus successfully managed his life in spite of a busy schedule. After all, He came to earth with the most important mission on earth which he had to complete within a very short time. One of the keys for his successful life is proper time management and Jesus had the habit of spending quality time in prayer. Prayer, as we know, is communication and fellowship with God. Jesus spent time in prayer, especially in the early morning and late night hours. There are some online resources that offer inspirational prayer advice, prayers, inspirational stories, Christian MP3 music, and all that you could benefit in a Christian life.

You can also download Jesus Christ wallpaper, Virgin Mary wallpaper, Mother Mary wallpapers, and Christian Poems among many other that could add faith and courage to follow a Christian life of goodness and reap the rewards of good faith. Clothe yourself with the Armor of God while being equipped with the wisdom, the knowledge and the understanding of what it will take to stand up and be counted as a Christian at this time in history.